Singing Guide: The Silver Pages

Singing Guide: The Silver Pages

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you want to learn to sing like the legendary jazz vocalist Billie Holiday, then this guide is for you. Billie Holiday’s unique vocal technique is characterized by her use of pitch bends, rhythmic phrasing, and emotive storytelling, making her an undisputed icon in the jazz world. In this article, we will explore key ways to develop your singing in a style reminiscent of Billie Holiday, highlighting some of her greatest songs and providing you with practical advice to improve your singing. We will also reference tools and educational resources that can be found on Singing Carrots throughout the guide.

Explore Your Voice

To start honing your singing skills, it's important to understand your vocal range. You can take a vocal range test, which compares your vocal range with that of famous singers, to determine your unique range and voice type. This can be especially helpful in learning how to sing like Billie Holiday. Once you determine your range, you can find songs in your key on the Singing Carrots song search.

Master Billie's Vocal Techniques

Billie Holiday’s vocal style is known for its distinctive pitch bends, which she used to tell a story. By sliding up or down to the desired note, she was able to create dramatic tension and evoke emotion in her performances. To master this technique, try practicing pitch bends during scales or in the songs you’re learning. The Pitch Training educational singing game on Singing Carrots can be a helpful tool for this.

Billie’s rhythmic phrasing is another important characteristic of her singing style, often featuring seamless transitions from one phrase to the next. Practicing singing along with songs in her repertoire can help develop your sense of phrasing.

Select Billie's Signature Songs

Billie Holiday’s unique vocal style shines through in so many of her songs, but some songs in particular are great examples of her technique. "God Bless the Child" showcases her vocal range and use of pitch bends, while "Strange Fruit" demands incredible vocal control and the ability to deliver powerful emotions. "Lover Man" highlights her use of rhythmic phrasing, and "All of Me" is a great song for practicing vibrato, a technique that Billie was known for.

Additional Advice

Use the resources on Singing Carrots to improve your vocal technique and style. The Open Mouth & Throat and Articulation articles provide helpful tips on improving vocal clarity and creating richer sounds. The Breathing Basics and Breath Support articles can assist in improving your overall technique and the Vocal Health article can aid in taking care of your voice.


Learning how to sing like Billie Holiday is a worthwhile journey that can help you develop your own unique vocal style. By practicing her techniques, singing her songs, and utilizing the educational resources provided by Singing Carrots, you will be on your way to developing your own signature sound.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.